Research Shows Reef-Friendly Sunscreen May Not Actually Be Reef-Friendly

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reef and sky by ishan see from the sky via unsplash

Did you know that sunscreens are technically a drug? According to the FDA, any sunscreen sold in the United States is regulated as a drug because it makes a drug claim - to help prevent sunburn or to decrease the risks of skin cancer and early skin aging caused by the sun.

That means that sunscreen has to go through rigorous testing and regulations. Lately, many brands have been stating claims that are questionable so the government has been taking notice and initiated research into these claims. 

One of those claims is ‘reef-friendly sunscreen’, which seemed like a marketing claim and not factual. Additionally, ‘coral safe’ and ‘clean’ also fall under these categories as claims and not yet proven or approved by the FDA, EPA etc.

A recent report conducted by the FDA, The Personal Care Products Council and the EPA states that there is not enough scientific data to support sunscreen ingredient bans.

“Environmental exposure and hazard data on ingredients are limited. Research does not support the conclusion that UV filters impact marine organisms and the possible risks to aquatic ecosystems and the species that live within them, including coral.”  

At Abella Skin Care we lead with truth and transparency. We pride ourselves in quality and do extensive research and are constantly learning about ingredients and news in the skin care industry. 

Our ColorShade SPF 35 meets all the standards of a superior sun protection available in 4 tints to accommodate every skin under the sun for today’s consumer demographics.



